"Are you ready for a style makeover?"

image consultant and personal stylist jane liddelow

You're ready for a style makeover if you:

  • Often feel your look is frumpy or boring?
  • Feel stuck in a style rut?
  • Struggle to know what to wear?
  • Believe you could improve your appearance, but don't know how?

Believe me, I know from personal experience just how you feel! I became a certified Image Consultant in my quest to gain style knowledge. You don't have to go that far, but you can take advantage of my training and practical experience with clients to discover your own unique style...

Style Makeover Help

Sign up for my free monthly Style Snippets newsletter to receive:
  • Answers to readers' style questions
  • Style articles to inspire your style
  • Style resources for practical help
Bonus: "50 Image Essentials" ebook (worth $27)

Why Bother?

What's your appearance saying about you?

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I'm guessing you already understand at least a little about the importance of your appearance, both to your self esteem and to how others see you. That's how come you found yourself here -- right? However, watch my video above to see some real examples of how you judge people based on their appearance (and to meet me ;D).

Do you understand how others read your appearance?

The Power of Knowing How to Dress

I can think of oh so many reasons to learn how to improve your look and understand the message your appearance conveys. Here are just some of them. To:

  • Authentically express your personality
  • Dress appropriately for the occasion and the people you're with
  • Feel confident that you look your best
  • Get better wear out of the clothes and accessories you already own
  • Enjoy getting dressed
  • Conscously buy items you love that will extend your wardrobe & fit your lifestyle
  • Spend less on clothes you wear more

So, how do you gain the style knowledge you need?

You can start by using the information here on my website. And feel free to use use my personalized help as well.

DIY Style Makeover

6 steps to savvy style

women with confident styleWomen With Confident Style

Don't feel bad if, like me (and most women), you weren't born with the style gene. The fact is most of us didn't receive any image or style education.

So you'll be pleased to know that you can learn how to look great. Achieving great style is a mix of science and art, and even the art can be learned to a certain extent!

The aim is to understand who you are now, today. Then learn how to express who you are, and how you want to be seen, using your clothing and appearance. Also taking into consideration what's appropriate for the occasion and the people you'll be with.

I've identified 6 steps to make it easier for you to tackle your own style makeover.

Don't get overwhelmed. Simply assess your self against the 6 style steps and choose just one of the steps to get started.

Improving your appearance and finding your own unique style is an incredibly liberating thing to do. Like anything worth doing, it does take time and effort (how much time and effort will depend on how big the changes are that you want to make).

Let Me Help You

Fast-start your style makeover

women with confident styleDuring a Client Shopping Trip(I'm in the mirror recording the outfit with a photo)

Sometimes it's good to get personalized, professional help with your appearance. It can be really challenging being objective about yourself and it can take time to work it all out for yourself.

To give you the best results fastest I take the following approach with my one-on-one style makeovers:

  1. Getting to know you. This covers the style fundamentals of assessing your best colours; identifying your body proportions; defining your personality for style expression (used for personal branding in a business context)
  2. Wardrobe workouts. These are where we create outfits that flatter all aspects of you (your colours, your shape, your personality and your lifestyle)
  3. Building your wardrobe. You need the right items in your wardrobe to create your desired style! This is where I take you shopping for the items you need to create the looks you want for each area of your life.

>Details of my style makeover services

Why is Getting Dressed and Looking Great So Difficult?

Women consistently give 3 reasons for looking less than their best. The reasons are:
  1. Not enough know how -- I touch on this a bit above (under DIY Style Makeover). You'll find plenty of style articles and recommendations for style books and resources on this website to get you started. Or you can of course contact me for a style consultation.

  2. Not enough time -- I don't know many people now-a-days with time on their hands (even if they're retired). However, we can choose how we spend our time. If looking good is a priority to you you'll find the time to make it happen, either by engaging an image consultant or stylist to help, or by investing the time in educating yourself and working on your wardrobe building and your outfit creation skills.

  3. Not enough money -- A large budget isn't necessary to be stylish. It's more about knowing which items to buy (back to knowledge) to create the look you want. I have friends who only buy second hand clothes, but you'd never know it, they always look a million dollars. However, they do know what their style is and how to express it. And they're very selective about what they buy.

A Lot of Choices Can Make it Harder

We now have access to a huge range of choices in clothes and accessories every season. And the increasing number of fashion retailers going online is further extending our choices.

This is both good and bad. It's good because even if you are a non-standard size, or like particular colors and styles, you should be able to find something that works. However, it can also make it very confusing deciding what to buy and how to wear it. It's easy to get it very wrong without some guiding principles!

In the past what we wore may have been influenced by our work place, our friends, the people we saw, and printed publications. Now we have many more sources of inspiration available to us through the internet. Photos of celebrities, our favorite bloggers and online magazines also now heavily infulence designers, clothing manufacturers, retailers and us!

A current fashion trend, that I feel will be around for some time to come, is to express our personality by mixing and matching clothing and accessories like never before. This means it is now more important than ever to gain some style knowledge so you can appropriately express who you are and how you want to be seen.

Your Style Journey

You'll find developing style is a journey, rather than a final destination. It will evolve as you learn more about yourself and about style and as fashion trends change. And what works for one stage of your life may not be suitable for another. However, when you have some style knowledge you'll find it's easier to adjust your look to your current situation.

I'd love to be with you every step of the way! You can use the many articles and answers to readers' style questions that you'll find here on my site to help you on your journey.

The 3 main ways to stay up-to-date are:

  1. style snippets newsletterStyle Snippets Newsletter. This free monthly newsletter is delivered to your email. It includes a word from me, and new pages added since the last issue. Sign up here.

  2. style makeover hq what's newKeep up to date with all new and updated style-makeover-hq.com pages the minute they are posted. Get Style Makeover HQ notices through your favorite RSS feed reader. (What's an RSS feed?)

  3. style makeover hq facebook pageGo to Style Makeover HQ's Facebook page and click the Like button. Or simply click the Like button at the top or bottom of this page. I share fun and useful fashion and style comments and links there, including photos of my outfits

You'll also find me on Google Plus, Linked In and Pinterest.

Here are some lovely comments from visitors to Style Makeover HQ:

"Hello Jane. Thanks for the great website that you put together, very interesting and well done!" Melanie B, Japan
"Hi Jane, you continue to be one of my favorite stylists. I just love your well-written and down-to-earth way of explaining things." Tasi Zuriack, Merida MX

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