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Dress To Flatter Your Apple Body Shape

apple body shape

apple body shape

There are two female body shapes that are referred to as an apple body shape these are the oval and the diamond.

With either of these body types you have the overall appearance of being round, especially in your torso area. Your have an undefined waist and a large stomach.

The difference between the oval and the diamond shapes is whether your stomach is low (this is the oval shape) or high (this is the diamond shape).

The main style guidelines for both these apple body shapes are the same.

Your main style aims are... create the illusion of a longer, inverted triangle body shape. And to draw attention upwards towards your shoulders and face.

Do wear...

  • Ear-rings, necklaces and other focal points designed to draw an observer's eyes up towards your shoulders and face

  • Shoulder pads to emphasize your shoulders. This may sound very 80s advice, but they really do work. However, they should not be be visible

  • Semi-fitted and loose fitting clothes

  • Good fitting, well adjusted bras

  • Support underwear

  • Tops and bottoms in the same colors

  • Low necklines

  • Un-tucked tops

  • Tops and dresses that flow through the waistline

  • Straight flat-fronted pants in soft, flowing fabric

  • Straight and slightly flared skirts

Don't wear...

  • Clingy fabrics

  • Fitted clothes

  • Fabric with large patterns

  • High necklines

  • Large lapels

  • Belts

  • Tucked-in tops

  • Pleats

  • Narrow or tapered skirts

  • Narrow or tapered pants

Combine these guidelines with...

Need Help With Your
Style Makeover?

Dressing for your shape is an essential part of a style makeover.
For professional help, either in-person or online, use my image consulting services.

...the guidelines for your vertical body shape.

Please note these guidelines only take into account your horizontal and vertical body shapes. The recommendations may change based on other features such as your age, your weight, your face shape, your neck length and any figure flaws you may have.

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jane liddelow

"Your style makeover may require a few tweaks or a total re-think. Using a mix of science and art I show you how to discover your style and look great every day.

Hi, I'm Jane Liddelow, the Personal Image Consultant and Stylist responsible for this site. Find out more about me here."

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