Traveling, wardrobe clearouts and
recycling pre-loved clothes and accessories are still very much on my
mind this month!
Since last month's Style Snippets I've made
my first mini video (with lots of help from friends!). It's on my website's
home page if you haven't seen it yet. I can't believe how
long it took to make (about 10 hours including scripting, shooting,
re-shooting and editing -- and it's only 2 minutes long!), but it was
good fun doing it. Of course, as soon as I'd finished it I realised a
few ways I could have made it better! Still, it's a start. And I have
some ideas for some more for later this year.
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).
I love to travel for pleasure and even
occasionally for business (although I find regular business travel soon
gets tiresome for me, so thank goodness I don't have to do much of it
This year I'm fortunate enough to have had a
couple of 2 week holidays (organized around family weddings: one in
Thailand and one in Perth, Western Australia) already. And my husband,
Kim, and I have another, bigger trip planned for later this year: a
mini round the world trip to France, the UK and the USA, taking 9 weeks
in total!
So, naturally, I've been thinking a lot
about packing recently. When my friend and fellow image consultant,
Maria, said she could do with a hand packing for her upcoming trip I
volunteered to help her. You can read more about it in my review of Imogen's Traveling Light ebook).
The last 'Clothes Swap' session was a big
success. These sessions are always such good fun and it's so nice to
see someone else appreciate something you're no longer wearing! And to
maybe find a new treasure for yourself.
It's also good to have a deadline to help
you get around to clearing out your wardrobe. You know how it is,
sometimes we just have to have a deadline to get on and do something!
If you'd like to host your own clothes swap
here are some suggestions...
There are a few variations of the clothes
swap idea, some involve putting a value on items and only swapping
directly with someone for items of similar value. However, I think it's
best to keep it simple and think of it as someone you've met gaining
value from items that you would otherwise be giving to charity anyway.
So, no money changes hands at my sessions. If you think it's worth
something try selling it on eBay or through a consignment store.
You only need a few girl friends (and
friends of friends), say 3-10. Ideally everyone will be within 1-3
clothes sizes of each other. However, it's amazing how some clothes
will work for a variety of sizes anyway!
The important thing is that the clothes are
freshly laundered and are still in good, wearable condition -- no
spots, rips or sweat stains. And don't forget items can also include
accessories such as shoes, handbags and costume jewellery.
The things you'll need are...
- Somewhere to hang clothes -- ideally
portable clothes racks. If you don't have any you'll have to get
- Lots of clothes hangers, including ones
for skirts
- 1 or 2 full length mirrors
- Somewhere to try on clothes
- An area to put shoes, bags and so on that
aren't up for swap (don't embarass yourself by trying to take home the
shoes someone came with!)
- Refreshments -- anything from champagne
and a light meal to water, dependent upon the time of day and what you
And don't forget to have fun!