New Year! I hope you had a great break and are started the year
refreshed and rareing to go. I know I am!
you ready to upgrade your image this year? If so, I'm here to help you!
I'm starting the year with a quiz
designed to get your feedback on what you'd most like help
you'd like to join me on Facebook pop on over
and click the 'Like' button then go my 'Wall' and post
comments or share a style tip.
To start working out how to start updating
your style take a look at my latest article: How
to Dress Well at Any Age. This was inspired by several
questions I've
had recently on how to dress appropriately for your age. Take a look at
how I've answered one of the latest
questions here.
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).
For the past 3½ years I've been imagining
what style articles you'd
like to read and what style products you'd find useful. What I'm giving
you is based on my training and practical experience as an image
consultant. The main aim being to help you achieve a look that is
enhancing, appropriate and goal effective. And judging by some of the
lovely comments I receive I'm mostly getting it right.
I feel it's time I got your input on what you'd like. What are your
style challenges? What would you like more help with? So, if you can
spare a couple of minutes I'd appreciate your help: please answer this
short questionnaire.
I'm looking forward to continuing to help
you create and develop your personal style!