It's that time of year
-- the change of seasons: from
Summer to Fall/Autumn, or Winter to Spring, dependent upon where you
Here in Sydney the weather's still quite variable, but definitely
warming up. I love this time of year. Both because I love the warmer
weather and because I love the change of fashion seasons!
This month I give you my updates on the
upcoming fashion trends with articles for both Fall/Winter 2011/2012 (the northern
hemisphere) and Spring/Summer
2011/2012 (the southern hemisphere).
I've also enjoyed answering
more of your style questions.
And here's
an update on progress of our long
awaited ebook on discovering personal style.
Imogen has increased the price of her style
ebooks. However, she has generously extended a special
offer for Style Snippets readers. You'll find the details
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).
Progress update
on personal style ebook
Jane Allen, a fellow image consultant from
Styledge in Canberra, and I are almost
ready to release our first ebook: Your Personal Style Formula: discover
your own effortless style. We're aiming to launch it
on 1st October (yes that is this year ;D)!
Oooer! That's only 2 weeks away and there's
still plenty to do!
I'm still not sure about that title and
sub-title, so watch out for a quick competition on facebook,
in the next few days, to finalize the name!
Well, it's been a long time in the planning
and the execution of our first ebook, I knew it would take a while, but
I had no long how long. I've learnt a lot. The biggest challenge has
been obtaining appropriate photos that we can legally use without
spending a fortune! I hope when you see the final ebook you'll agree
that we have taken or found enough photos to get our
meaning across!
The ebook is now going through a round of
edits and revisions.
Those of you who kindly volunteered to
review the ebook will be hearing from me directly either next week or
the week after, so please look out for my email in your inbox.
I can't wait to officially annouce it's
release in my next newsletter! And we do hope you'll find the ebook
useful after all our efforts!