Happy new year! I hope you had a lovely
festive season. I certainly
did, and am! I'm still not fully 'wound up' yet, as I enjoy the summer
with my husband who is taking a couple of months off!
been starting most days with a walk to Whale Beach. This time of year
it's even hot enough for me to venture into the water and take
advantage of the fabulous ocean rock pools we have here in Sydney
(meaning wave-free swimming in the sea).
you made any new year resolutions? Mine is to 'become more creative'.
I'm not sure exactly what that means yet, but I think it will apply to
many areas of my life, including my clothing style and my work.
you've made any image or style related resolutions I hope I'll be able
to help you with your journey. If you're here in Sydney and would like
to take stock of your shape and how to
dress to flatter your shape, I'm running a "Dressing for Your Body
Shape" workshop on Saturday 9th
February. You'll
find the details here.
Talking of taking stock and body and shape:
I've been taking a look
at some of the earliest articles I wrote for my website (now 5.5 years
ago!) the Your
Shape pages.
While they are still as relevant today I've realized I can make them
even better by adding more pictures, adding experiences from working
with clients and asking you for input (see next paragraph).
I've answered a
reader question confirming her shape and giving her some
ideas of how to dress it, it helped that she sent in a photo. I'd love
to answer more real life body shape questions, but I do need a photo
showing your shape. You don't have to wear a bikini or swimming
costume, but snug fitting leggings and t-shirt work best, so I
can actually see your shape. Have the photographer stand about 4m (13
feet) in front of you, with the photographer bent to take the photo in
line with your stomach. Check to make sure the background is a
contrasting color, so I can see your outline clearly.
Use this link to submit your photo and any specific questions
you have. I will blur your face so no-one need know who you are.
If you have difficulty finding shoes that
are comfortable and
fashionionable, or if you simply love shoes you'll love my
new service.
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).