Last month I mentioned I needed an outfit in black to
perform with the choir I'm in. Sadly, my girlfriend's kind offer of a
loan didn't work out, so I had to rush out and buy one at the last
moment (never a good time to buy anything)! This is what I ended up with (that
link takes you to my Facebook page, but you don't have to be a Facebook
member to view it) -- what do you think?
While I'm talking about Facebook: I finally
found out how to turn on 'Reviews' on my
FB page. (For some reason FB only turns that feature on for
pages categorised as 'local business'.) So, if you're
on Facebook and have received a product or service from me I'd
appreciate it if you'd leave me a review. I've finally put my head down and made good
progress on re-designing the look, feel and layout of my website. I'm
aiming to make it look more modern and stylish. And I'll slowly be adding
more photos to every page to illustrate what I talk about.
I'm also aiming to make my site simpler to
navigate -- making it more obvious where to start reading, what's key
to turning your style around, what's supporting information
and how to get help. You won't see any changes yet, but there's a lot
of activity going on behind the scenes ;D. I hope to staring rolling out the
changes next month. I do hope you like them!
weather here in Sydney is feeling particularly Autumn-like now so I'll be
completing my seasonal wardrobe switchover, review and
planning this weekend.
Have you switched your wardrobe yet? If you need some help let me know
-- see
my offer to you as a Style Snippets
reader, valid until the end of May. I've also answered another reader's style question.
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).