According to my friend Sue, the Sydney clairvoyant, many people are going through a significant period of inner change at the moment. She wondered if I'd been extra busy recently, helping people translate their inner change into outer change. I certainly have!
You can read about a recent style makeover client (and her lovely feedback) here.
This month I've answered a reader's question asking if a long skirt will suit her.
If you gave me feedback on my proposed new website look-and-feel, thank you! (If you'd like to take a look and give me feedback, it's not too late). I had hoped to have started rolling out the changes by now, but have hit a technical glitch, that will hopefully be solved soon. I would really like to roll out the first version of the new look before I go away!
I'm heading off on my annual trip to the UK in just over a week, and stopping off in Switzerland for a week on the way back. I am intending to get my July newsletter out, but apologise in advance if somehow that doesn't happen! I'll be back at the beginning of August, ready to help with seasonal wardrobe updates and shopping trips.
Enjoy this month's Style Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).