Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a great start to the new year? I certainly did.
I'm kicking off the year with some research into what you want your style to be. I do hope you can spare a few minutes to answer my short survey (it shouldn't take you any more than 5 minutes). You'll find the survey here. I'll really appreciate it. It will help me keep creating content and services that are of most value to you.
I love this time of year. Like many I take time to review, plan and re-energise.
It's summer here in Sydney and my husband, Kim, is off work for most of January. I'm working part-time seeing a few clients and preparing my services and systems for the year ahead. I'm also taking time-out to walk and swim with Kim just about every day!
To start this off I'm adding a new Style Transformation programme.
Do you make new year resolutions? Do you keep them? Here's what I now do.
If you've visited my website recently you'll notice that I've finally rolled out the new look-and-feel -- woohoo! I hope you like it? If you spot anything wrong do let me know (I've already been told that my mobilization--on smart phones--isn't working as it should, so I'm working on that). Near the bottom of most pages you'll see a Comments section. Do let me know what you think there. I will respond.
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).
My Theme for 2015
Starting last year, instead of a new year resolution, I identified a theme for the year. It started after I read numerous blogs about making new year resolutions and how difficult it is to stick to them. Then I read about a fellow image consultant deciding to try a theme for the year instead of a list of resolutions. This struck such a chord with me that I decided to try it.
My theme for 2014 was 'to become more creative', in all areas of my life. I like the progress I made. It came out most strongly in my wardrobe work, both with clients and in my own wardrobe. However, it's also started to spill over into my home decoration and my website too!
Long after I would have forgotten about any new year resolutions I've remembered my theme! So I'm establishing a theme again this year.
My theme for 2015 is 'flourish'. To grow and prosper. I will apply it to my business, my personal life and it's my wish for you. In helping you transform your style I truly believe you'll flourish.