It's that time of year when there are signals of a new season around the corner:
- The weather is starting to change -- here in Sydney the mornings are becoming a little cooler, it's taking a bit longer for the day to warm up. If you're in the Northern Hemisphere I hope you're getting signs of spring around the corner? I know many of you have had a very cold winter.
- New season clothing is beginning to arrive in the shops
- Fashion weeks are happening around the world (ok, so you might not have noticed this, if you're not a follower of fashion)
As much as I don't want summer to end I'm ready for a change in clothing. I'm looking forward to wearing some of my slightly warmer trans-seasonal items and more layers of clothing. And to adding an item or 2 to update my wardrobe. It's time to do a wardrobe review!
Thank you if you answered my style survey last month. I received a lot of great answers. The biggest desire is to become more stylish, to dress to hide your body challenges, and to be able to find clothes suitable for your age, and shape. I've used what you told me to create 3 new style packages.
Do you feel blocked in 1 or more areas of your life? Did you know how you dress can help un-block you? I've just learned how to use Feng Shui in outfit creation to help get you un-blocked!
And on a related note: if you're in Sydney and about to downsize your home my interior stylist friend Bettina Deda is running a useful workshop on how to stop procrastinating and downsize your home with style.
I've also answered a reader's question.
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).
Review Your Wardrobe
Now is a really good time to buy trans-seasonal clothing (that is: at the beginning of the Autumn, for us in the Southern Hemisphere, and Spring, in the Northern Hemisphere). However, do review what you already have first, rather than buy more of what you already have. In particular check the fit and condition of your wardrobe basics, those hard working items that you wear constantly, such as pants and skirts that can be worn with many tops to create many different outfits.
Change Your Style Change Your Life
You've no doubt heard of Feng Shui in relation to your home? It's the ancient Chinese philosophy of making sure the energy in your home is congruent with you and your family and what you wish for from life. But did you know that you can use the same principles and apply them to your appearance?
You may know that what you wear effects your self esteem, your confidence and how others perceive you? Well, Fashion Feng Shui is the art of dressing for your appearance, your soul and what you want from life. It uses the same 5 elements used by Traditional Chinese Medicine and Feng Shui to identify how to dress to support you in all areas of your life.
The Fashion Feng Shui course I've just completed has given me lots of new ideas for translating how you want to feel, how you want to look, and what you want to attract to you into your outer appearance. I'm looking forward to incorporating this into my work with clients.
Downsizing 101: Workshop for Empty Nesters
Storage, space planning and de-cluttering are major topics of a brand new
half-day workshop from Interior Stylist and author of Downsize With Style,
Bettina Deda.
If you are planning to downsize and struggle to overcome
procrastination, if you are overwhelmed by the amount of clutter and stuff you have
accumulated, and if you are not sure which of your furniture will fit in a more
compact space, Downsizing 101 is for you!
To learn more and book your seat, click here.
Please note: this workshop in on this Friday 27th February at Castle Hill, so do book today if you're interested.
And, of course I'd love to help you downsize your wardrobe. Reply to this email to request help.