I'm excited to announce the first of a series of workshops in collaboration with complementary service providers. The first workshop, Update Your Look, is a collaboration with the lovely Makeup Artist, Petrina Milas of Studio Petrina Milas, in her peaceful garden studio in Northbridge, NSW. The first workshop is scheduled for Sunday 29th March. If you're in Sydney I do hope we'll see you there. See details and book here.
When the weather is still mostly hot and humid, as it has been here in Sydney, (or still feeling wintery, if you're in the northern hemisphere), it can be challenging to think about the upcoming season's clothing! However, there are very good reasons for doing so now, before the season has totally transitioned.
Last month I told you I'd just finished a Fashion Feng Shui course. Turns out I hadn't quite finished after all! This is what I'm now doing.
Did you see the photos of my new reading glasses on Facebook? You can see them here. I've just picked them up. Now to get used to the multi-focal lenses! Woah!
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).
Fashion Feng Shui Update
The 5 week Fashion Feng Shui course I completed recently gave me some valuable inside-out style information to use with clients and to build on the holistic style consultation process I already use.
During that course I had a big 'ah ha' moment when I made a personal discovery about an energy influencing who I am. I've realised it affects my outfit creations (both for me and clients), and how I go about almost everything I do!
I hadn't intended taking the 10 week advanced course to officially become a licensed Fashion Feng Shui facilitator just now (though I thought I probably would at a later date). However, the way things have worked out, that's exactly what I'm doing! And I'm loving it!
Apart from using my new knowledge to get even better results for my clients, which has already started, I'm not quite sure how I'll be using my license (assuming I pass all the ongoing assignments!). An 'Empower Through Style' course perhaps? I'll keep you posted!
Why Review Your Wardrobe Now?
Before I became an image consultant the most challenging times of year for me were at the change of seasons. That was when I found my wardrobe really did seem to have nothing in it to wear! For instance, at the start of autumn, summer clothes would seem too summery, yet last autumn's clothes that worked ok the previous season no longer felt quite right. Do you find that too?
Now that I regularly review my wardrobe at the change of season, before the next season's weather has fully settled in, and with an understanding of the main looks I'm aiming for (taking into account coming trends and my personal style preferences) I no longer go through that discomfort and stress. I work out ways to update my outfits by combining current items in different ways and by identifying my shopping wish list to add new styles and replace tired basics. I plan full outfits, including shoes, accessories, jackets and coats, for the likely activities and weather conditions.
This helps to prioritise my shopping list and means I can work out what I'm prepared to pay full price for and what I'll wait for, and perhaps get during a sale.
I hope I can encourage you to do the same. The first few times around it can take a while, but as your wardrobe becomes a well edited collection that reflects the current you it becomes easier and even fun!
Do let me know if you'd like my help (simply reply to this email).
After a wardrobe workout clients often comment that they have few clothes, but more outfits to wear!