I left a heatwave in Europe (a sticky 42C in Milan) to return to an 'Antarctic Chill' in Sydney -- brrr! What a shock to the system! And a dramatic change in wardrobe requirements!
I had a wonderful trip -- it was several mini-vacations in one! However, it is nice to be home. You can see what I wore and get ideas for your own summer travel wardrobe capsule in this article.
Inspite of the chilly weather here in Sydney now's a really good time to review your Spring Wardrobe. This is also true if you're in the Northern Hemisphere and experiencing a heatwave -- time for you to review your Fall wardrobe.
Why review for the next season now? Well, the new season's clothes are arriving in the stores and often the best choices are released at the beginning of the season. By knowing what you need to add to your wardrobe you'll be able to update your wardrobe with just the right pieces!
If the thought of reviewing your wardrobe seems overwhelming to you, or you need to makes changes to your style and don't know how, I'd love to help you. Simply reply to this email and let me know you need help.
To make way for the new season's clothes there are also a lot of sales on. Do you do well in the sales?
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).
Sales Bargain or Mistake?
Do you buy wisely in the sales? We all love a bargain, but it can be easy to get carried away and buy items we don't ever wear.
If you tend to buy clothes and accessories that you don't end up wearing, or that you wear only once or twice then, no matter the price tag, it's not a bargain!
One easy way to avoid mistakes is to keep a wish list of clothing and accessory items and carry it with you, on your smart phone, for instance, or on a paper shopping list.
What should be on your list? Well, as you get dressed each day if you find yourself wishing you had a different pair of shoes to go with an outfit, or a smarter jacket, or you're missing a necklace to go with several outfits, make a note of what you're missing. Also note details of the occasion and other outfit items it's to go with. Of course if you're missing an entire outfit for a particular occasion make a note of that too!
And do remember to refer to your list before you make that sale purchase!
For more tips on how to shop strategically see this article.