Jane's Jottings
Happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely festive season? I certainly did! I've enjoyed catching up with family and friends and getting into swimming again.
I'm now easing back into work, tackling some interesting style challenges for some new clients with very different life styles and clothing needs: one client is in the middle east and others are local.

However, the thing these (and all) clients have in common is the desire to be confident in their clothing choices. To look stylish and be appropriately dressed for every occasion. To ensure consistent results I use my 6 steps to savvy style with each client keeping her specific style objectives in mind. And you can too. Assess yourself on each style step to get started.
Do you make new year resolutions, or set intentions for the year ahead? This time of year always feels like a good time to pause, reflect and plan. Of course this can be done at any time, but the end of one year and the beginning of another feels like a good opportunity to start afresh!
If improving your style is something you'd like to do this year and you'd like my help you can work with me in several ways:
- Do it with you: one-on-one consulting (in person or remotely/online) - contact me for an initial discussion
- Guided tuition: in a small group (if you're in Sydney) - contact me to discuss what's possible
- Self-paced tuition: take my self-paced online Style with Confidence course. See details here
Do remember, if you have a style question you'd like me to answer through my website, ask it here. Here's what I've answered so far.
Enjoy this month's Style Snippets. Yours in style