Jane's Jottings
The 'style clinic' workshop I ran last month was great fun and seemed to go down well with the lovely ladies who attended. It certainly sparked some lively conversation! In fact I enjoyed it so much that I'm going to add this as a workshop you can book. So, if you're in Sydney and fancy getting a group of friends together and finding new ways to wear items in your wardrobe for a fun and social hour or 2 let me know (reply to this email). I can come to your home, club or social group, or you can come to me.
Have you had a chance to review your wardrobe for the new season yet? Here in Sydney, it does now actually feel as if the season is changing, with the days taking longer to heat up. If you're in the northern hemisphere it may not yet feel much like spring where you are. However, with spring clothes arriving in the stores, it is a good idea to work out if you'll need anything new.
As usual, I'm excited to see the new season's trends. As much as anything checking out the new styles helps me see my existing clothes in new ways and come up with new ways to combine items into outfits. Then I can pick just a few of the new season's clothing and accessories to make my wardrobe feel totally new.
To help you with this process I've reviewed and summarized the new season's fashions. See the links below.
And do let me know if you need any help with reviewing your wardrobe, shopping for new items, or working out your colours or style.
Enjoy this month's Style Snippets. Yours in style