{!firstname} The change of fashion season's is here again, so this month is all about the style trends. If you're in North America, the UK or the Northern hemisphere see this season's trends here. If you're in Australia, NZ or the southern hemisphere, check out the new season's looks here. I've also observed a new, season independent, trend that may be around for a while. It's also that time of year when I remind you to review and plan your wardrobe before you start buying new clothes. After you've had a good sort out, here's an idea for recycling what you don't want. If you live in Sydney (or are planning a trip here), I'd love to help you review and plan your wardrobe. I've added a new "Shop Your Wardrobe" package to my services as a fast start, practical way for you to refresh your style.
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below). A New Trend That's Here to Stay?Do
you ever find that something, such as an idea, or an observation,
occurs to you and you suddenly find yourself reading about and hearing
about it everywhere? Well, that's how it's been for me with
this trend observation. I now seem to be hearing it from many sources.
Each season there are now so many choices in styles and colors that
it's hard to pick just a handful of trends to highlight. Of
course what we notice most is based on our personal likes, dislikes and
life experiences. Different trend reporters see different ways to
theme and report the trends. In fact, for a while it seems the fashion
magazines were just as confused as the rest of us -- a year or so ago
they stopped creating themed story boards. The new trend is to express our personality by mixing and matching trends like never before. What this means is that it's now more important than ever to gain some style knowledge. Use my 6 steps to savvy style article to help get started and to keep on track. Luckily
the fashion magazines have woken up to the fact that we need more help
than ever and have resumed creating style themes for each fashion
Clothes RecyclingAfter
you've reviewed your wardrobe you will likely have a number of clothes
and accessories that you want to find new homes for. Some ways to do
this include... - Selling designer or good quality
recognized label items either online, for example through eBay, or
through a consignment second hand clothing store
- Giving items to charity shops
- Donating suitable items to charity organizations that help disadvantage women establish economic independence
before you do any of the above you might want to first consider hosting
a clothes recycling party. It can be nice to see your pre-loved
(or never worn) items giving pleasure to someone you know. Twice a year I host, or help someone else run, just such a party. It
can work well with a group of women as small as 4 or 5, but the more
the merrier. Tell them to bring along clean items they no longer
want that are still in good, wearable condition (not frayed, or
stretched, or faded). Items can include, clothes, shoes, bags, costume jewelry, scarves and other accessories. In
the sessions I run no money changes hand. The only "rules" are that
each person takes home any items they brought with them that weren't
claimed by someone else (or you could agree to donate everything to a
particular charity). And to have fun! What you'll need... - Some
means of hanging the clothes and display shoes and other accessories. I
have some portable clothes rails I take with me, but you could use
portable clothes horses, or rig a line with washing line and bookcases,
or dowling rods suspended somehow
- Hangers (label any good ones if you want them back) -- ask your guests to bring these
- 1 or more full length mirrors